Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week One

This is my blog journey. My mission, read a book every week. By this time 2011 I should have read 52 books. This is not going to be an easy task. Hopefully you will join me in my quest.

Week One:
Book- Witch and Wizard by James Patterson
I just finished this book, here is my review:
It is really good. I love James Patterson's books and I think this one is the best. Every chapter, the reader goes on a thrill ride. I love the way the book switches the point of view every chapter. One chapter is wisty the next chapter it is whit, it really gives the reader a real good perspective of what's going on. Whit and Wisty's adventures are really well told. You will want to read this book over and over and over again. It is probably one of the best fantasy books i have ever read. You can really feel for what the characters are going through and feel scared when they do. One of these feelings could be anger. You might feel angry when you don't like the things the New Order is doing. I know i felt angry. Another thing i liked about this book was the fact that it was unique and an easy read. I could not put it down, i read it in 2 days! Lately authors have been writing about vampires and stuff like that but not in this one. It stands alone among all the other books on the shelf. Look out Harry Potter!!
Rating: ♠♠♠♠/5

Next week's book:
The Season

1 comment:

  1. I just read that and it is so, so good! I really love his books most of the time and this is definately one of my favorites! Btw--good review...maybe you could talk a little more about the plot in your next post? That way people who haven't read it will want to? Just a suggestion. :)

